Zipping to Objects

Implementing the base functionality of Sonic’s homing attack was much easier to implement than I initially expected when I first got into engine for this project. Thanks to the previous update’s implementations for the multi-spline functionality, i was able to simple disconnect the player from the spline to perform the action before reattaching them to the spline at the current location. As far as targeting objects goes, I referred to my implementation of the target lock-on mechanic within the Graffiti Club project I was a part of in the past. My old implementation allowed the ability to select any number of targets within a specific parameter, even going from farthest to closest within a given range to the opposite direction. That feature wasn’t needed, as I’d only need just the closest one that was also closest to the player’s center of vision. With this, the zip is functional.

As far as the objects go, they are made as a blueprint. All interactive objects will be made as a blueprint, and made as a child of the parent class of blueprint, so that they all share the same targeting functionality as one another, making it easier for the palyer to identify the object’s class. The objects will also come with a health stat, allowing for easier usage when making different enemy types stemming from the object blueprint.

My next objective in this project would be to create different objects to be used as an example on implementing objects and even mechanics unique to each level. Along with that, I will be building the level blocks using the splines, to make level building easier. And on top of that, implementing the free-movement to the player when in one of those level block zones.


Dungeons & Reverse Pathing


Multiple Paths & Bouncing